I’ll Be Happy When…

A person with arms raised above head to celebrate a moment at the top of a mountain.

Do you find yourself saying “I’ll be happy when…” I get that promotion, buy a new car, lose 20 pounds, etc.? What happens when you do? Are you happy forevermore or just for a few days (hours) only to set a new goal that you’ll “be happy when…”? It’s probably the latter.

Chasing external validation or success defined by others is a constantly moving goal post. It’s super helpful for the bottom lines of corporations that promise you all you need is their product and then you’ll finally be happy but you don’t need me to tell you you can’t buy happiness.

Success and fulfillment (on your own terms) come more easily after you’re happy. When you get in touch with your joy, you know, deep in your bones, who you are and what you’re about. Whether you choose to buy all of the things or not, you know that you’ll be OK and that you are worthy of love and success.

What if I told you that you already possess this happiness, it’s just been buried under a lifetime of false messaging and beliefs? Would you believe me? When you unbury your innate joy, it can fuel you through anything. This unburied joy is not a state of eternal ecstasy where everything is perfect all the time and where you avoid the trials and tribulations of life. It’s an understanding that no matter what comes your way, you know you can handle it. Tapping into this joy gives you the stamina you need to manage everything that comes your way.

Truly understanding yourself is the path forward, the rest is just noise.

So, if happiness comes before success, how do you harness happiness? You can start by taking up the practices I outlined here.

If you want to go deeper, I can help you unbury the joy that’s already inside you. I’ve done it for myself and I promise you that you have what it takes to do the same.

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Have you ever wondered how happy you really are and what you could do to change your happiness level? Get the assessment to find out!


Following My Curiosity


Joy Amid Challenges