Boundaries - Which Ones are Right for You?
Boundaries come in all shapes and sizes. Some are personal and for you alone while others are for use with other people. Don’t confuse boundaries with walls. Walls are put up to keep everyone out. Boundaries, on the other hand, keep only some people out. So which are the right boundaries for you?
Your Values Guide Your Life
Simply put, your values are how you verbalize what is truly important to you. They are the foundation of your life. In fact, all of your thoughts, feelings, and actions are built upon them.
Exploring an Adventure Mindset
The days you tell stories about are rarely the ones that went perfectly to plan, aren’t they? Usually, the stories you tell are the result of something, or many things, going far differently than you thought they would and you found your way through anyway. These are the days that you embraced an adventure mindset. An adventure mindset is simply a thought pattern or lens that allows you to see the current circumstances as an adventure, a part of a journey, and as a story in the making.
Doing the Work of Personal Development
Personal development is lifetime work. In fact, it may be better termed personal evolution in that you are evolving throughout your life and becoming a different version of yourself over time. As with human evolution, personal evolution takes time and strategic change.
Why Bother with Spiritual Growth?
Spiritual growth is largely something you do on your own. This is quiet, behind the scenes work that is for you and you alone. Those around you may feel a change and experience benefits from your work but it’s really not for them. It’s OK to do work that’s just for you.
The Art of Reframing Your Mindset
Choosing to see things as opportunities rather than roadblocks is truly a gift. It allows you to see the full range of options rather than just the tiny slice of the picture that “why me?” reveals.